Research Projects
Resilience and Grit in Teacher Education:
The purpose of this qualitative research project is Measuring Resilience and Grit in Pre-service Teacher Candidates at Ontario Tech University, University of Toronto and St. Francis Xavier University.
We are particularly interested in these research questions:
1. What are the self-perception factors that have a positive/negative impact on the Resilience and Grit of pre-service teacher candidates?
2. What are the physical lifestyle factors that have a positive/negative impact on the Resilience and Grit of pre-service teacher candidates?
3. What are the social/community factors that have a positive/negative impact on your Resilience and Grit of pre-service teacher candidates?
4. What are the emotional/mental health/wellbeing factors that have a positive/negative impact on the Resilience and Grit of pre-service teacher candidates?
5. What are the beliefs about teaching that have a positive/negative impact on the Resilience and Grit of pre-service teacher candidates?
Research Team:
Dr. Ian Brown, Ph.D., C.Psych, Adjunct Professor, Trent University
Dr. Bill Walters, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, St. Francis Xavier University
Ms. Carolyn Temertzoglou, Senior Lecturer, University of Toronto

Physical Education Teacher Education:
The purpose of this project is to assess the confidence and competence of Pre-service Physical Education Teacher Education students at Canadian universities. We are particularly interested in how the teacher candidate’s own background and experience in physical education (either positive or negative) impacts their confidence and competence as they begin careers teaching physical education. This research is an online survey study using a qualitative research methodology that examines the significant role of developing confidence and competence within a pre-service physical education teacher education program. The study sites are three Canadian university faculties of education. Research indicates that new teacher attrition rates are an issue for both administrators and policy-makers, as well as boards of education. This research postulates that the development of confidence and competence with the concomitant decrease in anxiety and fear can provide one potential and impactful solution to preparing physical educators to teach inclusive PE programs.
In addition, we are interested in these research questions:
1. What curriculum areas were emphasized in their PE experiences as students and which areas will they focus on as they design PE programs?
2. What types of assessment did they experience as a student (Improvement? Fitness level? Skill level? Engagement?)
4. What was their involvement with coaches (positive or negative) and how does it impact their willingness to coach and coaching philosophy?
5. What are their beliefs about teaching PE that have a positive/negative impact on them as a pre-service physical education teacher education student?
Research Team:
Dr. Bill Walters, Associate Professor, St. Francis Xavier University
Ms. Carolyn Temertzoglou, University of Toronto

Critical Play and Academic Success:
Building Online Learning Communities:
The Education Informatics Lab is an internationally recognized team of researchers whose work focuses on Fully Online Learning Communities (FOLC). They work collaboratively to develop and implement models that provide fully inclusive access to learning online and leading edge concepts for learning in the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Research Team:
Dr. Roland vanOostveen, Associate Professor, Director, EILab
Dr. Elizabeth Childs, Associate Professor, Royal Roads University
Further information can be found on the EILab website at the link below.